The Town semiannually, usually in May and October, bills and collects its own property taxes for its fiscal year which begins January 1, as well as taxes for Grafton County, State of NH education and Newfound Area School District. Property taxes billed or collected in the fiscal year for which they are levied. Note: The tax year runs from the prior April 1st to March 31st of the fiscal year.Property taxes are due in July and December. If the taxes are not paid by the following March, a lien is recorded on the property at the Registry of Deeds. If the delinquent taxes (redemptions) are not paid within two years and one day of the tax lien date, the property may be conveyed to the Town by tax deed and subsequently sold at public auction or sealed bid.
Paying Your Bill
You can pay your bill through the mail or in person. Please include a portion of your bill with your payment to ensure proper credit when paying by mail. Payments can be made in person at the Tax Collector’s office at 47 Washburn Road, Alexandria, NH. The office is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Tuesday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.
If you can’t pay on time, payments will be accepted late, but interest will be charged.
Delinquent, Lien and Tax Deeded Property Information
The Town, in order to protect its ability to collect all taxes due, must proceed to perfect a lien on your property if all taxes for the year are not paid. This lien process can begin after the final billing in December 1st payment for a year is due. Lien notices are subject to fees and have been assessed as early as March. Legal notice must be provided to you before the lien process is completed. Your property can be deeded to the Town two years later if all taxes are still not paid. Please be aware that once a lien is placed on your property, the lien is recorded at the Registry of Deeds and a notice is sent to your mortgage holder. Credit reporting agencies obtain information from the Registry of Deeds regarding the delinquent taxes in order to post this information on your credit report.
General Property Tax Information
The property tax in NH is the major source of revenue for local government. In Alexandria, your property tax pays for municipal services, Grafton County, NH state-wide education tax, and the Newfound Area School District. The municipal government bills and collects taxes for all these entities even though the Board of Selectmen and NH Department of Revenue Administration only set the tax rate for the municipal and school portion of the bill. Other portions of the bill are controlled by separate governing bodies.
For Additional information on how property taxes are calculated:
Property Tax – Understanding the Math, Dispelling the Myths
Understanding NH Property Taxes: The Official New Hampshire Assessing Reference Manual