ACC History and Mission Statement
At a town meeting in March 1972, the town voted to establish a conservation commission. Although established, appointments were never made until 2005 when the selectmen placed an advertisement in the local paper and posted notices asking that anyone interested, contact them. The initial members were Janet Towse, Kate Barrett, Carleen Stickney, and Bonnie O’Brien Poire. Meetings began in 2006 with Janet Towse as the chairperson and Kate Barrett as the Secretary. Our Bylaws were drafted and approved 24 October 2007 and have been revised four times since then; 2009, 2011, 2016, and 2017 [click here to view Bylaws ]. The mission of the ACC is simple, yet powerful: the promotion of public awareness and the protection of our natural resources.
In addition to an annual operating budget made part of the total town’s budget, the Conservation Commission has established a Conservation Fund, monies from which may be used in support of our mission statement and to carry out the requirements of a conservation commission as defined in RSA36-A. Funding of this fund is derived from 50% of the “change of use” penalty assessment when land is taken out of current use.
The Alexandria Conservation Commission meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm in the conference room at the town municipal building, 47 Washburn Rd. in Alexandria. Special meetings which may be called by the Chairperson or a majority vote by commission members, will be posted in advance of any such meeting in accordance with applicable requirements. The public is always welcome to attend our meeting and share their thoughts and concerns.